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Math.max(homeSliderMinHeight, windowHeight) : windowHeight; var homeToping = $('#homeTop').find('img').height(); if($("#BAND_BANNER").length > 0){ sliderHeight -= $("#BAND_BANNER").height(); } $('#homeTop').height(homeToping); $('.home-slider').height(homeToping); $('.home-slider-item').height(homeToping); } $(window).resize(function(){ onResize(); }) /*start*/ $(window).on('load', function() { start(); }); function start() { if ($('body').hasClass('loaded')) return; setTimeout(function() { //$('html, body').scrollTop(0); onScroll(); onResize(); }, 10); $(window).trigger('ds-loaded'); $('body').addClass('loaded'); } setTimeout(function(){ start(); }, 2000); /*setTimeout(function() { $('html, body').scrollTop(0); }, 10);*/ }); (function (Modernizr) { $('html').addClass(; // Here are all the values we will test. If you want to use just one or two, comment out the lines of test you don't need. var tests = [{ name: 'svg', value: 'url(#test)' }, // False positive in IE, supports SVG clip-path, but not on HTML element { name: 'inset', value: 'inset(10px 20px 30px 40px)' }, { name: 'circle', value: 'circle(60px at center)' }, { name: 'ellipse', value: 'ellipse(50% 50% at 50% 50%)' }, { name: 'polygon', value: 'polygon(50% 0%, 0% 100%, 100% 100%)' } ]; var t = 0, name, value, prop; for (; t < tests.length; t++) { name = tests[t].name; value = tests[t].value; Modernizr.addTest('cssclippath' + name, function () { // Try using window.CSS.supports if ('CSS' in window && 'supports' in window.CSS) { for (var i = 0; i < Modernizr._prefixes.length; i++) { prop = Modernizr._prefixes[i] + 'clip-path' if (window.CSS.supports(prop, value)) { return true; } } return false; } // Otherwise, use Modernizr.testStyles and examine the property manually return Modernizr.testStyles('#modernizr { ' + Modernizr._prefixes.join('clip-path:' + value + '; ') + ' }', function (elem, rule) { var style = getComputedStyle(elem), clip = style.clipPath; if (!clip || clip == "none") { clip = false; for (var i = 0; i < Modernizr._domPrefixes.length; i++) { test = Modernizr._domPrefixes[i] + 'ClipPath'; if (style[test] && style[test] !== "none") { clip = true; break; } } } return Modernizr.testProp('clipPath') && clip; }); }); } })(Modernizr); /** COMMON */ var CommonJs = (function() { var g_fHashIdx = 0, g_$gnbDepth1 = $('#nav .gnb'), g_$gnbDepth2 = $('#gnbSubMenus'), g_$header = $('#header'), g_headerHeight = g_$header.height(), g_prevSt = 0, g_isWheel = false, g_isWheelUp = false, g_$searchArea = $('#header #search'), g_$searchInput = g_$searchArea.find($('form[name="search_form"] input[name="query"]')), g_$searchBtn = g_$searchArea.find($('form[name="search_form"] button[type=submit]')), g_$searchAreaMobile = $('#mobileNav'), g_$searchInputMobile = g_$searchAreaMobile.find($('form[name="search_form"] input[name="query"]')), g_$searchBtnMobile = g_$searchAreaMobile.find($('form[name="search_form"] button[type=submit]')), _lang; function init() { gnbActive(); addEvents(); loadCheckHash(); if ($('#SUB_KEYVISUAL').length > 0) { motionKV(); } } function addEvents() { if(!GlobalData.isMain){ $(window).scroll(scroll); scroll(); $('html, body').on('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', wheel); } /* 3,4depth center, active */ if ($('.gu_tab_depth3').length > 0) centerTab($('.gu_tab_depth3')); if ($('.gu_tab_depth4').length > 0) { /* mobile - scrollbar hide */ if (isMobile() === true) $('.gu_tab_depth4').addClass('mobile'); /* tab click */ $('.gu_tab_depth4 ul li a').on('click',function() { g_fHashIdx = $(this).parent('li').index(); tabActive(g_fHashIdx); setScrollIcon(); }); } // pc / mobile �대�吏� 遺꾧린 // ex) $(".gu_img").each(function() { if ('all and (max-width: 767px)')) { $(this).attr("src", $(this).attr("data-mobile")); } else if ('all and (max-width: 1080px)')) { $(this).attr("src", $(this).attr("data-tablet")); } }); // gnb search $(g_$searchInput).on('keydown', function(e){ if(e.keyCode == 13){ e.preventDefault(); searchGnb('web'); 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switch(_lang) { case "ko" : _lang = "kr"; break; case "zh" : _lang = "cn"; break; default : _lang = "en"; } return _lang; } function isMobile() { var UserAgent = navigator.userAgent; if (UserAgent.match(/iPhone|iPod|Android|Windows CE|BlackBerry|Symbian|Windows Phone|webOS|Opera Mini|Opera Mobi|POLARIS|IEMobile|lgtelecom|nokia|SonyEricsson/i) != null || UserAgent.match(/LG|SAMSUNG|Samsung/) != null) { return true; } else { return false; } } function loadCheckHash() { if(location.hash.length > 0) { g_fHashIdx = $('.gu_tab_depth4 ul li.li_'+location.hash.replace('#','')).index(); tabActive(g_fHashIdx); } else { return; } } function tabActive(_idx) { $('.gu_tab_depth4 ul li').removeClass('on'); $('.gu_tab_depth4 ul li').eq(_idx).addClass('on'); $('.gu_contents_depth4').removeClass('on'); $('.gu_contents_depth4').eq(_idx).addClass('on'); centerTab($('.gu_tab_depth4')); } function gnbActive() { var m_$container = $(".container"), m_classStr = m_$container.attr("class"), m_className = m_classStr.split(" ")[1], m_bnavi = false; if(m_className) { m_bnavi = true; } if(m_bnavi) { g_$gnbDepth1.find('li').removeClass('on'); g_$gnbDepth2.find('li > ul.sub-menu li').removeClass('on'); var fixDepthArr = m_className.split('_'); if(fixDepthArr[0]=='subNavi') { $('.naviDepth1_'+fixDepthArr[1]).addClass('on'); $('.naviDepth1_'+fixDepthArr[1]).addClass('on'); $('.naviDepth2_'+fixDepthArr[1]+'_'+fixDepthArr[2]).addClass('on'); centerTab($('.gnb-sub-menu.naviDepth1_' + fixDepthArr[1])); } } } function centerTab(_tab) { var scrollX = _tab.find("ul").scrollLeft(), currentBtn = _tab.find("ul>li.on"), currentX = currentBtn.offset().left, currentW = currentBtn.width(), posx = scrollX+currentX, halfW = ($(window).width() - currentW) / 2 + 13;"ul"), 0.7, {scrollLeft: posx - halfW, ease: Expo.easeOut}); } function searchGnb(_device){ var searchKeyword, alertMessage = ''; _lang = CommonJs.getLocale(); if (_device == 'web') searchKeyword = g_$searchInput.val(); else searchKeyword = g_$searchInputMobile.val(); if ($.trim(searchKeyword) === '') { alertMessage = (_lang === 'ko') ? '寃��됱뼱瑜� �낅젰�� 二쇱꽭��.' : ((_lang === 'en') ? 'Input Keyword' : '�쒐뇨'); alert(alertMessage); return; } else { if (_device == 'web') { g_$searchArea.find($('form[name="search_form"]')).attr("action", '/' + _lang + '/search'); g_$searchArea.find($('form[name="search_form"]')).submit(); } else { g_$searchAreaMobile.find($('form[name="search_form"]')).attr("action", '/' + _lang + '/search'); g_$searchAreaMobile.find($('form[name="search_form"]')).submit(); } } } /* 媛�濡쒖뒪�щ· �쒕옒洹� �꾩씠肄� */ function setScrollIcon() { $(window).off('scroll.table'); if (!$('.gu_table.scrollX:visible').length) return; if (!$('.gu_ico_drag').length) { var dom = '
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  • �쒓뎅��
  • ', m_gnbEnStr = '
  • English
  • ', m_gnbZhStr = '
  • 訝�뻼
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